My Journey Home

My Life. Beautiful, Ugly, Unfiltered.

To Blog or Not to Blog…

This has been the question rolling around in my mind for the past several weeks.  I have many reasons that I want to blog, the main one being that I (like most bloggers) feel like I have a unique perspective on life and thoughts that need to be shared with others.  That reason is followed closely by the fact that my husband says I should on a daily basis—perhaps he’s growing tired of coming home to my newest “point of view” that has been hashed out over countless hours of housework and playing horsey for my 1 year old little girl, or he eventually thinks I will become famous.  Whatever the reason, he is really the one who gave me the idea in the first place.  Last but certainly not least, my Facebook status simply can no longer contain all that I need to say- I feel the incessant need to comment on and even “like” my own status updates; which we all know is like high-fiving yourself in public.

On the other hand, I have this one lingering thought in my head that has been keeping me from the pages of blogosphere and that is this:  Sometimes, well, a lot of the time…. I tend to write in a rant.  I’m afraid my blog will end up being titled “Diary of a Mad White Woman”.

I have decided however ,to keep myself (with constant help from the big Guy upstairs!) in check- and to write! I don’t promise puppy dogs and rainbows, but I do promise no angry rages.

I promise my life- unfiltered, in its purest and truest form.  Sometimes it’s beautiful, sometimes it ugly, most of the time it’s hilarious; it’s always, My Journey Home.

3 responses to “To Blog or Not to Blog…

  1. Candra October 17, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    It’s totally fine to high five yourself in public;). Glad you’re blogging!

  2. Mother October 18, 2010 at 3:10 am

    I find myself reading your blog and thinking to myself, she should write a book instead of a blog…..your have always been a truly gifted writer and should write a life journal. You are correct…you are always hilarious.

  3. Lauren October 18, 2010 at 8:19 am

    I like how you are evolving from status updates to blogs–lol, hooray! 😉 Can’t wait to read all you write!! xoxo

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